Sunday, January 13, 2008

50+ pounds of trouble

Max is now 20 weeks old and weighs in at a little over 50 pounds. He still doesn't look that big which is good considering he will get much bigger. He is a mess! Here is my weekly update.
  • He has lost most of his puppy teeth without our noticing, but he lost a big one this week. We noticed blood on some toys he was chewing on and found which tooth was missing. Then last night while playing with him, I found a tooth on the floor.
  • In my last post I mentioned that he found the toilet brush oh so interesting. Now he has discovered the plunger.
  • He really likes some rawhide bones we got at the store based on a recommendation. He could sit for hours chewing on them. They have meat in the middle which must be really tasty. They get disgustingly slimy and sticky though. Do you know of something similar that wouldn't make such a mess?
  • Every once in a while, M will sing really loud, opera-like. Max flips out and runs all over the place really fast. It's quite funny.
  • Generally when I am in the shower, he just lays on the floor right against the shower door until I get out. Then he likes to lick the water off my legs. He's weird.
  • Basically, he would like to chew anything and everything that he lays his pretty brown eyes on. M says that I spoil him. I replied that I don't know how not to spoil him. He's a cutie and we really enjoy him!


Bellawhoop said...

LOL - I love your Max lists! Bex does the same to me when I get out of the shower and the hot tub! I guess it's a dog thing... It sounds like he's full of life and loving his new home...although I guess it's not so new anymore. Maybe he just seems new to me because I haven't met him. :( We'll have to remedy that soon!

Katie said...

I just found your blog!! Did you email it to me before and I just missed it!!This is great!
I'll have to call you about coming for a visit. It turns out we will not be able to fly home to MI for quite awhile!!
Thanks for the CD!!
love you guys
was great seeing you at Lolo's
Katie B.

Wendy said...

Sadie, our black lab, loves to try to lick us as we get out of the shower too! Not always the wake-me-up you are looking for. We're still working with her on that one. We have found that Nyla bones work great for her constant chewing need. They have all different types and sizes at the pet stores and you don't have to worry about it making a mess on the carpet. Sadie's normally last her about 6 months, but watch out for stepping on them when you are barefoot after Max has been chewing on it for a while!