Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Labor Day with the Furries

This was the name of a photo album sent to me today by my friend Destiny. On Monday, Matthew, Luke, and Destiny took Max and Trigger (their golden retriever) to the pond. Aren't they good looking dogs? From the pictures and the story telling, it appears that everyone had a good time. The dogs played in the water and played fetch. Max was worn out when they got home (after being at the pond a couple of hours Matthew said). The last picture is what he looked like when I got home. Wouldn't you like to join us for a beautiful day at the pond sometime? It's a lot of fun for furries and people alike.

Contrary to any thoughts I previously had, Max is apparently spoiled the most when he stays at our neighbors' house. He stayed there last week while we were out of town. When we went to pick him up, they invited us over for burgers. While preparing the burgers, our neighbor mentioned something about a Max patty. She made a hamburger just for Max. We were later informed that he also had bacon for breakfast that day. Hmmm...I'm not quite sure what to think about all that. Actually, I would prefer he not eat people food but it was a bit late to make that known I suppose. They did us a HUGE favor by keeping him and we appreciate it immensely. It's nice to know that he is safe, happy, and doesn't need to be worried about.

1 comment:

Bellawhoop said...

It looks like the dogs had such a fun time together. I love the pic with them both swimming with tennis balls in their mouths! Cute cute! I'm so glad you have such wonderful neighbors to take care of Max when you're gone; it's such a blessing!