Thursday, December 11, 2008

15 week pictures

I have been asked for pregnancy photos. The first two photos were the first taken after we found out we were expecting - they were taken October 1st. (At the time, I obviously didn't think about the fact that I was wearing a jacket that hid my mid-region.) The second two photos were taken last Wednesday, December 10th. We have been trying to take pictures every Wednesday so we can see the progress and have documentation to look back at.

I didn't really think much had changed until this week. I feel big all of a sudden. I definitely feel bigger at the end of the day and right when I get into bed. And I don't feel like pregnancy growth, I just feel like I've gotten fat. The baby after all is only 4 inches long and about 4 to 5 oz. It's odd. I finally went out and bought a couple of pairs of maternity pants tonight. I have one pair of jeans that still feels comfortable, but other than that everything is a bit tight. Anyway, here are the photos.


The Moon Five said...

Mindy, you look so beautiful,and you are not fat!!! The baby may be small still, but don't forget all the fluid that keeps that baby safe.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

And the best part about pregnancy is the stretchy waistbands!!! Enjoy them.