Canaan turned 4 months last Wednesday.
Grandma spent the week with us keeping Canaan during the day while Daddy was out of town visiting a friend. She is working at turning Canaan into a football fan. In the first two days Grandma was here, we watched three football games.I discovered that eating at PF Changs while on an elimination diet is not good at all. There were 3 items on the menu I could eat as long as the sauce was not added to the dish. I had ginger chicken with broccoli. It was really bland. I don't expect to go back there until I can eat something yummy.Canaan has started taking her pacifier again. She likes to play with it - taking it out of her mouth and trying to put it back in her mouth. She gets frustrated and does not like anyone to help her put it back in her mouth. We may be in trouble...I thought the independence started much later than 4 months old.She has been rolling over like crazy. She is still only rolling from her back to her tummy, but she likes to roll over. She gets frustrated after being on her tummy for a while. As soon as you put her on her back, she will roll to the tummy again. When we went to visit the doctor this week, she tried to roll over while on/in the scale and then rolled over while the doctor was checking her ear.Thursday afternoon Grandma and I finally got some video of Canaan laughing. It was really cute!4 month stats = weight 12 lb 11 1/2 oz (36%), height 24.8 inches (77%), head 15.8 inches (29%) - The doctor said that Canaan would not win any blue ribbons, but she is doing well. At the very least, she should weigh 10 lb 4 oz so she's doing better than that. I think because of the elimination diet, she is not gaining what she might be gaining. I told Matthew over the phone the doctor's blue ribbon comment. He didn't think that was very funny and told me the doctor better have been joking.Canaan is doing everything on the list the doctor gave us that she should be doing except one thing. She is not holding up her chest when lying on her tummy. She is getting A LOT of tummy time now that she is rolling over so much so I bet she will be doing this soon.We took her to Target for 4 month pictures on Sunday (you just have to enter my first and last name). This was not a very good experience. Our appointment was at 3 pm so we got there a bit early to change her clothes. We ended up having to wait until around 3:45. It was tough on Canaan. She did very well and we even got some smiles. Of course, I always think her pictures turn out cute!

1 comment:
She is so cute!!! I love that she is smiling a lot now!
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