Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I want to be a farmer

Well, at least part of me wants to be a farmer. What is it that would draw me to this kind of life? I’m not completely sure.

My dad grew up on a farm. I LOVE hearing stories about his childhood. My grandfather was a share cropper (meaning he did not own the land that he farmed so a portion of the money he made went to the owner). My grandfather loved being a farmer, but my grandmother hated it. He actually tried to do something else because my grandmother was so unhappy, but he went back to farming. My dad grew up (and was actually born) in a farm house that did not have central heat and air or running water. He tells stories about his chores, the crops they grew, the animals they raised, and life in general on the farm.

Anyway, part of me wants to be a farmer. I think I am drawn to it for several reasons, but it just seems like a simpler life. I know it is hard work and the work is never done, but the life itself seems like a simple one. You are obviously dependent on God for the growth of your crops (the kind of dependent I should be in each part of my current life). You see the miracle of birth and creation with animals like cows, chickens, pigs, etc. There must be a satisfaction in eating the meat and crops grown on your own land. You know what those animals have been eating and you know what you have put on the crops (as in chemicals).

I currently struggle with the dissatisfaction I have with my job. There are days I enjoy it, but I feel like it’s a job and not a calling. That bothers me, but at this point I have no idea what to do about it. As an accountant, it is hard to see that I am helping mankind. It just isn’t obvious. It seems like a farmer can easily see the impact he is having in the world.

I can see myself driving an old beat up pickup truck much easier than I can see myself in an SUV or family car. I have always wanted to drive a pickup. My dad has had a pickup since I was in middle school. Every time I go home (including last December when we went to their house for Christmas), my dad will toss me the keys and we’ll go for a drive. I really enjoy it.

Growing up in Amarillo, I grew up surrounded by farming. The Texas panhandle is the cattle capital of the US. These folks are generally friendly folks. To me, it is really beautiful to see farmland as far as you can see while driving down the highway. I like the wide open spaces. Even though I don’t enjoy the wind, I like to see an occasional tumble weed blow on by.

As I drive to work each day, I pass acres and acres of empty land. It won't be without development for long unfortunately. But for now, I drive by a field of horses while on the other side of the road the cows are grazing. I have especially enjoyed seeing the calves over the past month or so. Mixed in are also some antelope. It seriously makes my day to see these animals every day. I look for them because they are not always near the road. I have thought several times about pulling over and taking some pictures, but I haven't done that yet.

There are several (probably more like many, many) reasons why this might not be a good idea for me.
1. I know absolutely nothing about being a farmer.
2. I don’t like to sweat.
3. I don’t like to be too dirty.
4. I like to sleep late.
5. While I like to listen to country music and wear cowboy boots, I am definitely a city girl.

Wouldn't it be fun to be known as Farmer Mindy (I guess you wouldn't know because your name isn't Mindy)?

1 comment:

Susan said...

I struggle with the accounting thing & finding purpose there as well. It was really bad when I was working for the Law Firm in Dallas and feeling like I was supporting all these lawyers who were making obscene amounts of money.

However, it seems like Whole Foods serves a similar purpose to farming. They're just getting the good products the farmers produce to the customers. And, they HAVE to have accountants or things would be a mess. That's where you come in!

Whole Foods is definitely much more purposeful than the NHL...but I still think I'm supposed to be at the NHL and I like it!